You rely on your vehicle just about every day. If it is not functioning well, you can experience a lot of inconveniences and much stress. For instance, you may find yourself stranded or unable to accomplish necessary tasks. All cars will start to suffer the effects of wear and tear. However, some parts and components will begin to falter sooner than others. Putting off service will accelerate a car’s decline. If you do the right services at the right time, your vehicle can enjoy a longer life span.
General Inspection
You put a lot of miles on your car in a given year. Therefore, it’s good to let a professional look at your vehicle at least annually. A yearly inspection can affirm that your car is in good condition. It can identify emerging issues as well as concerns that you should take care of right away. A comprehensive inspection evaluates all systems and components in the car. If you put a lot of miles on your vehicle, aim to do an inspection every 10,000 to 12,000 miles.
Oil and Filter Change
Perhaps the most frequent service you’ll do on your car is an oil change. This is an important procedure that keeps the engine performing efficiently. Fresh, clean oil will help to ensure that the moving parts are lubricated and that there is no dirt and debris in the engine. This service, along with putting in a new air filter, should occur every 3,000 to 7,000 miles. Moreover, older cars will need oil changes more frequently than newer models.
Timing Belt
The timing belt controls the crankshafts of the vehicle. It opens and closes the valves at the correct times to ensure that the car runs smoothly. This belt is an essential component that you should replace every four or five years.
Transmission Service
A bad transmission will not only be an extensive repair but an expensive one as well. The transmission must operate well for the vehicle to change gears smoothly. Replacing the transmission fluid can prevent serious problems. It’s crucial to do this every 60,000 miles in an automatic transmission vehicle. However, if you own a manual transmission vehicle, a transmission flush should occur every 20,000 miles.
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Other Services
There are some key points that every car owner needs to know when it comes to service and maintenance. Firstly, consult the owner’s manual of your vehicle for specific guidance on services. This information will tell you when specific areas of the car need attention. Secondly, make sure to take your vehicle to a licensed, experienced professional for service.
Keeping your car in good condition is vital. You can do this when you bring it to the service department at Bradshaw Automotive Group in Greenville, SC. Stop by today.
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