A good clearing out is a great way to hit the ‘reset’ button in your home. You can conquer clutter and get organized by eliminating things that no longer serve you. In addition, purging items you don’t use can help you pick up a few extra bucks by putting together a yard sale. Try these essentials for setting up a successful yard sale.
Clean up to Clean up
You may have been storing items for months or even longer before hauling them out for the yard sale. But taking a moment to wipe clean or dust the knick-knacks can make it easier for people to see the true value. In addition, if you’re offering clothes for sale, wash them and take out any items with large holes or stains.
Get Organized
You’ve probably seen some yard sales where someone piled all the items on blankets or long tables with no rhyme or reason. It can be challenging to find great stuff when it’s buried under things you don’t need. Make it easy for people to spot their next buy and organize your items. You can separate things based on type, size, or price. But by arranging the sale items, you’ll get better sales results.
Prepare Your Pricing
Don’t wait until sale day to decide on pricing, or worse, try to price during the sale. Prepare ahead of time by setting prices and labeling your items in some way. You could stick a price tag on each item or put items onto different tables based on price. Or, label items with colored stickers and have a master list of pricing visible for people to see. Of course, some people like to haggle the price at yard sales. Decide ahead of time if you will haggle or stay firm.
The Professional Touch
Take a note from retailers and boutique stores when you set up your yard sale. Create little scenes or interesting pairings to showcase your items in a fresh, new way. Your goal is to sell your things, so you want visitors to see their beauty or functionality.
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Get the Word Out
No matter how nice your yard sale is, you might not see much traffic if nobody knows it’s happening. Get the word out and advertise your yard sale the week prior. Of course, you’ll need to follow neighborhood guidance or HOA rules if they apply. In addition, many cities have rules about when you can have a yard sale and how you can notify people. Once you’ve determined the guidelines that apply to you, create fliers, post in online groups and neighborhood websites, and tell your friends to ensure you have a steady crowd stopping by all day.
With these essentials, you’ll set yourself up for a successful yard sale. Just don’t forget to check the weather that day!
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